Online advertising: cat si cum?

Dat fiind ca este luni si ca am (re)inceput cu totii sa re:construim capitalismul, haideti sa vorbim putin despre online advertising.

Banner ads have a notoriously low ROI. They are good branding vehicles but terrible for direct response and they require a significant investment to really be successful. You need to blanket the web with them. I’m inclined to believe that as marketers look for ROI in these times they will find success through search ads, public relations, email marketing and some, but not all, social networking programs.

(…)So will quality banners be back? Yes, but not at the rate of adoption we saw before the economy began to sink. The money will have moved by then into other areas. (Steve Rubel)

Public Relations in aceeasi fraza cu ROI?! Cum am intalnit destui “specialisti” cu neuronii mult prea imprastiati pentru a fi capabili sa gandeasca limpede, iata sapte pasi care ar trebui urmati, exemplificati pe o campanie a The Cato Institute.

By making the ad available to bloggers before it ran in the papers, Cato was able to generate a media buzz long before our main product even existed. Most of all, we gave bloggers the opportunity to scoop old media giants like The New York Times.

Ok, toate bune si frumoase, dar cum impartim bugetul? Paul Hagen propune:

50% – search engine ad words. Iar restul de 50% se imparte asa: display ads – 36%; classified – 24%; rich media – 15%; lead generation – 12%; sponsorships – 5%; video – 5%; email – 3%.

Sigur, nu este o reteta de necontestat, dar este un punct de plecare. Voi ce ziceti?

Si sa nu uit: pe aceia care au avut curiozitatea sa vada ce e cu filmuletul de mai sus, ii indrum si catre acest link. Credeti-ma, merita!


2 comentarii

  1. […] Check it out. (Translations accepted) Public Relations in aceeasi fraza cu ROI?! Cum am intalnit destui “specialisti” cu neuronii mult prea imprastiati pentru a fi capabili sa gandeasca limpede, iata sapte pasi care ar trebui urmati, exemplificati pe o campanie a The Cato Institute. By making the ad available to bloggers before it ran in the papers, Cato was able to generate a media buzz long before our main product even existed. Most of all, we gave bloggers the opportunity to scoop old media giants like The New York Times. Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)Starting a Campaign? Give New Media the ScoopMyths about bloggersScoble Defends BloggingFinancial Times Whacking 80 […]

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