Zilele trecute, Alain de Botton a anuntat un curs de filosfie politica in sapte tweet-uri. Iata-le:
1: Plato: We should be ruled not by leaders chosen by a majority, but by those who are most intelligent.
2. St Augustine: We should not try to build paradise on earth. Aim for tolerable government, true government only possible in the next life.
3. Machiavelli: Politician must choose between serving the interests of country and the interests of Christian morality. Can’t have both.
4. Hobbes: Rulers not appointed by God, but by people and if they can’t guarantee their security, they can be legitimately kicked out.
5. Smith: The market cannot alone create a moral community. Civil society must nudge capitalists to be good through emulation and honours.
6. Karl Marx: The ‘profit’ of a capitalist is in essence theft, the stolen life and labour of the proletariat.
7. J.S. Mill: Governments should not tell people how to live, they should give them the preconditions to make their own choices.
Nota: pe acest blog nu obisnuiesc sa postez mesaje in engleza. De aceasta data, avand in vedere regulile Twitter privind numarul de caractere, am facut o exceptie.
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inspirat alese vorbele, dar din fericire nu sunt o lectie de filozofie politica, pentru ca daca nu ai ‘background’-ul, raman doar niste ‘maxime’. intelegerea fiecarei fraze presupune luni de… placuta lectura si meditatie.